Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summer Vibe


1. Met up with Niggashon on Sunday for some studying @ Starbucks and dinner @ Soup Spoon heh (o^-^o)v
2. Ended school at 11am (SAY WHAT HAHA) and had lunch at Sugarloaf with my classmates. (Clockwise) Lemon Meringue, BLT Wrap, Ice-blendedToffee Crunch and Lychee Ice-cream (not shown in this picture) 
3.4.5. 6. Secret place we found where they had something like high elements just that it is not high but low hahahaha. #childhood
That aside, lately, I've not been in my best shape both internally and externally. I remember not putting in any effort into anything because I just felt indifference to everything. Numb, maybe? I never knew I would feel so comfortable in numbness. Truth be told, now I feel happy that everything happened because I came to realise what I really want in life and how I want to spend my youth. That is, just having fun doing things I love with the friends I love. Going back to my life motto- Let it be. I have this tendency to try to be in control of every situation and I'm learning that sometimes that's just not possible. As cliche as it sounds, if we're meant to be together, we'll find our way back to then and that moment that I hold dearly. If not, I'll survive, no, I'll live on happy nonetheless and keep my optimism. Because I'm done with being sad and hurt, I keep reminding myself that I will never let myself go back to the way I used to be.

If I didn't know you, I'ld rather not know
If I couldn't have you, I'ld rather be alone


  1. hello, where is this place with the high elements at? mind sharing?:) am intending to head there to get a photo shoot done haha thanks!

  2. Hello! It's actually at Temasek Poly, just behind the school's cafe (Sugarloaf). If you're planning to go there you should go by the west gate entrance. Hope that helps! :)
