Sunday, August 26, 2012

Let's go drink with the rabbits

Took a picture of my mom and I while on the car ride <3 
!ALERT! #iphonewhore
The really cute menu list with endless food choices :O

My whole family only ate (altogether): mushroom soup, wild mushroom pizza, the drunken chicken roll and belgium waffle (which was quite disappointing and not worth a picture). The whole meal was rather pricey in relation to the amount of food we actually ate, but food tasted good. I regretted not suggesting my family to be seated outdoors though, the atmosphere was so much better. And that's how I spent my lovely Saturday evening. 

Oh and here's the trailer for The Perks of being a Wallflower! Can't wait~ Seeing "from the producers of Juno" makes this seem more promising.
"I know there are people who say all these things don't happen and all of these will be stories someday. But right now we are alive and in this moment, I swear, we are infinite."

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