Spent a very fruitful friday of back to school shopping with Jesmin! Can't believe it's the first time we actually went out properly, after like 3 years? So glad we did though, talked and laughed a hell lot.
Our dinner- sushi and salmon (just cause we were having cravings but didn't feel all too hungry) + a beef wrap for moi
Cute halloween socks from topshop that was tempting me, but no!
On the train ride home, taking photos shamelessly in a crowded train

Saturday felt like explorer day with cs, I'm glad there's someone like him who's willing to travel around with me to try food at ulu/new places hehe.
#ootd #wiwt #momsaysilooklikeaschoolgirl #converse Explorer outfit and ready to walk with my comfortable sneakers!
We found it! #success and we didn't get lost
We ordered the Cheesie toast, Sir Benedict & Bird's Nest! (y) delicious food and worth the travel :P
Hahaha I was like "wait, I need to gif this!" when he wanted to gobble down the whole egg yolk
Watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower, was so-so, but we felt the movie was kinda (as cs says) 'choppy'. Still the sad parts were really quite relatable and I almost teared a couple of times. I think logan lerman played a good charlie, especially in those awkward scenes and ezra miller (patrick) is just too hilarious! 3/5 overall?
FAMISHED after the movie and had our pork chop dinner!!! It tasted so good but the thing I hate is how hard it is to slice it to bite sizes, felt like shoving the whole thing in my mouth sometimes.
School's starting tomorrow, back to reality. Was just thinking how fast this all actually feels, how everyone's growing up. Not just in numbers, but getting over obstacles and taking chances in things that, I guess, some of us never thought we could/would. I'm happy to say I'm really thankful for where I'm at, feels like I'm going in the right direction.