Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What can you possibly expect under this condition

White Studded Collar Top, American Eagle Muscle Tank (love how this reminds me of John O. from the Maine) , Forest Green Cardigan, Olive Sleeves Leather Jacket (absolutely in <3, worth every cent)
Cutest pumps in da world hehe (to me at least)
$2 daiso box to help me organise the things lying all over my dresser

Finally, my first off day since work. I sound like I've been working straight for a week or something, but no, I've only worked 4 days so far and already it has taken its toll on me. Couldn't find anyone to spend this day with as everyone already had plans. I loved it nonetheless.Sometimes it's good to do things on your own, once in a long while I guess. Just time for yourself to think, like on those long bus rides.

It got me thinking: Have you ever felt like when you look back at old memories (good/bad) you start to wonder if you made it up and it was all in your head? Like the memories seem so far away, you start to doubt their existence. And it is even more so when you ask people who shared this memory whether they recall anything and they don't. It's kind of sad, don't you think? Or is it just me?

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